Projects/Important Dates

Enrollment for the new 4-H year will open October 1. Please contact your club leader or the extension office and we will assist you with enrollment.

4-H Age Divisions! The following are the specific age requirements per group:

Determingin 4-H-Age

Projects To Enroll In

The next step is selecting your 4-H Projects. A wide variety of 4-H projects are of interest and available to youth of all ages. You HAVE to be enrolled in the project in order to participate in that project, however you are not required to participate in a project just because you signed up for it.

Additional 4-H Resources

4-H Project Information

please see information on certain project categories to find project books. If there is not a project book on the State 4-H website, contact the Extension Office so that a book can get ordered for you.

Important Dates and Project Workshops

FCS School

4-H Friday

Livestock Clinic

4-H Steer Tagging

Rodeo Playday



Large Animal Tagging

Contact Us

Phone: 505-471-4711