Record Books/Portfolios

Santa Fe County 4-H Project Portfolio General Info:

Santa Fe County 4-H will recognize our Clubs, leaders, 4-H'ers and volunteers at our annual Awards Program in December 2024. Please be sure that you have completed the appropriate 4-H Portfolio (formerly 4-H Record Book), or nomination form if you are interested in being recognized! Remember that Santa Fe County 4-H members are required to use the new 4-H Portfolio format. Please refer to your project materials for project specific record forms.

Portfolios are due to the 4-H Office October 21, 2024. All nomination forms are due to the 4-H Office no later than November 15, 2024.

Why Keep Records? Check out the link

Santa Fe County 4-H Project Portfolio Guide:

All portfolios must be submitted in the approved 4-H record book cover. Contact your club leader or extension office if you do not have one. 

Record Book Covers

Dividers should be used. They should be easy to read and clearly mark each section in the book, including the Table of Contents

Turn these in at the beginning of your record book, but do not bind:

Include in your project portfolio: 
  1. Cover Page
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Personal Profile
  4. 4-H Resume (required for senior 4-Hers only)
  5. Leadership Profile (See ** below for more information)
  6. Citizenship/Community Service Profile (See ** below for more information)
  7. Other 4-H Activities Profile (See ** below for more information)
  8. Project Profiles: Handwritten records, as originally prepared by the member, are best. Typed copies will not increase a judging score. Tabs labeled with the project name should be used to identify each separate project profile. For each project submitted, members are allowed one page of project photos to be placed at the end of that project profile.
  9. 4-H Story
  10. Additional 4-H Photos and Supplemental Material


  1. Cover Page
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Citizenship/Community Service Profile
  4. Project Profiles (here Cloverbuds may insert the project books that they completed within the program)
  5. 4-H Story (discuss their 4-H year with them and help them write a story summary)
  6. 4-H Photos and Supplemental Materials

Award Nomination Forms

*Portfolios compete only in projects the 4-H’er is currently enrolled.  These must be the current enrollments for the 4-H year (enrollment time period is October 1st to March 1st of the 4-H year).  Example:  The 4-H’er must be enrolled in the fibercraft project to be eligible for the Creative Arts project award. 
**The leadership profile, citizenship profile and other project and activity profiles of your portfolio are cumulative.  This means that you will add to these forms each year and resubmit with the additions in your record book.  You may add additional pages as needed.  Judges will be asked to only evaluate the work for that given 4-H program year.  4-H’ers are encouraged to maintain and keep all records and pictures for their entire career because this information must be included in state and national level portfolios.